Seminars in Stockholm/Uppsala
Institutions and links
Please find below a list of all economics related seminars in Stockholm and Uppsala. If links should be out of date or if something is missing, please send me an email.
- Uppsala University [seminar website]
[google calendar] - IFAU Uppsala [seminar website] [google calendar]
- Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN) [seminar website] [google calendar]
- Stockholm School of Economics
- Department of Economics [seminar website] [no google calendar available]
- Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) [seminar website] [no google calendar available]
- Swedish House of Finance (SHoF) [seminar website] [no google calendar available]
- Stockholm University
- Department of Economics (NE) [seminar website] [google calendar]
- Stockholm Business School–Finance Seminars [seminar website] [google calendar]
- Institute for International Economic Studies (IIES) [seminar website] [google calendar]
- Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) [seminar website] [google calendar]