I am associate professor (docent) at the Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU) in Uppsala and am affiliated with the Uppsala Center for Labor Studies (UCLS) at Uppsala University, ROA at Maastricht University, and IZA Bonn.

My research interests are centred around learning and incentives in the workplace, origins and consequences of course choice in education, and gender differences in the labour market.

I edit the NEP report on the economics of gender (subscribe here), organise the Stockholm Uppsala Economics of Education Workshop Series, and occasionally write up useful commands on my StataTeX Blog.

Please find my CV (pdf) here.


July 2: Marco Clemens and I have released a new IZA Discussion Paper “Making the Right Call: The Heterogeneous Effects of Individual Performance Pay on Productivity” download here)

June 13: I am co-organizing a IFAU/UU mini course on survey experiments (taught by Ingar Haaland) on August 19/20, 2024. For more information, please send me an email.

March 15: the program of the next Stockholm Uppsala Education Economics Workshop is now online. The keynote presentation will be held by Matthew Wiswall.

December 11: our paper “Earnings Losses and the Role of the Welfare State during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Sweden” is now available as open access at the Review of Income and Wealth

December 7: I received EUR 22,000 for organizing Workshops in Empirical Economics in Uppsala from the Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius stiftelse Tore Browaldhs stiftelse

December 4: I received EUR 440,000 for my project on unemployment insurance from the Swedish Council for Health Working Life and Welfare (FORTE)

November 20: I’m teaching a master seminar at the University of Würzburg on the effects of public and firm-level policies in firms